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Well, we survived our seventh annual National Picture Book Writing Week (“NAPIBOWRIWEE”)! I am so proud of everyone. I had a ton of fun. I hope you did, too! More importantly, I hope everyone wrote a lot! Now you have anywhere from one to seven completed first drafts of picture books that you can now spend the rest of the year carefully crafting and revising! Congratulations! PLEASE NOTE – OUR CONTEST WINNERS ARE LISTED BELOW. I WILL EMAIL ALL THE WINNERS TO GET YOUR ADDRESS INFO SO I CAN MAIL OUT YOUR PRIZES!… Read more NAPIBOWRIWEE 2015 – DAY EIGHT: CONTEST WINNERS!

NAPIBOWRIWEE 2015 – DAY SEVEN: Submissions Check List

Welcome to DAY SEVEN of my seventh annual National Picture Book Writing Week (“NAPIBOWRIWEE”) 2015! What? It’s Day SEVEN? Are you kidding me? Where did the time go? How is everyone feeling? Can you believe you have been writing for almost an entire week, non-stop? Are you exhausted? I am! But hang in there! We can do it! Just one more day! 🙂 Even as a professional writer who HAS to write every day, I have to admit writing 7 picture books in 7 days, no matter how much “pre-writing… Read more NAPIBOWRIWEE 2015 – DAY SEVEN: Submissions Check List

NAPIBOWRIWEE 2015 – DAY SIX: Editorial Pet Peeves

Welcome to DAY SIX of my seventh annual National Picture Book Writing Week (“NAPIBOWRIWEE”) 2015! Well, it’s Wednesday, AKA Hump Day. At this point, I’m sure most of you are exhausted, crabby, burned out, and seeing talking animals everywhere. LOL! But hang in there, we just have two days left! Ha! I bet you didn’t realize how much hard work this week would be! You are not just writing 7 picture books in 7 days but you are also FINISHING 7 picture books in 7 days. For those of you… Read more NAPIBOWRIWEE 2015 – DAY SIX: Editorial Pet Peeves

NAPIBOWRIWEE 2015 – DAY FIVE: Editor Vs. Writer

Welcome to DAY FIVE of my seventh annual National Picture Book Writing Week (“NAPIBOWRIWEE”) 2015! I am so proud of everyone for hanging in there. We’re getting closer to the finish line. Can you believe you have been writing non-stop for FOUR DAYS IN A ROW? Talk about a marathon writing session! I’m so proud of you for not giving up. Think of writing as if you are in a gym working out or training for a marathon. You have to exercise every day to stay in shape! Same with writers! We… Read more NAPIBOWRIWEE 2015 – DAY FIVE: Editor Vs. Writer

NAPIBOWRIWEE 2015 – DAY FOUR: Character & Plot

Welcome to DAY FOUR of my seventh annual National Picture Book Writing Week (“NAPIBOWRIWEE”) 2015! This is when the burnout happens. Day 4 is always the toughest for our NAPIBOWRIWEE writers because it’s the halfway point. Plus it’s MONDAY. All that weekend writing wore everyone out! And if you have a day job, you lose a whole day of writing because you’re back in the office! So this is where I stop being nice and get tough…. KEEP WRITING! DON’T GIVE UP! YOU CAN DO IT! ON YOUR FEET, WRITING SOLDIER! 🙂… Read more NAPIBOWRIWEE 2015 – DAY FOUR: Character & Plot

NAPIBOWRIWEE 2015 – DAY THREE: Timely Trends & Topics

Welcome to DAY THREE of my seventh annual National Picture Book Writing Week (“NAPIBOWRIWEE”) 2015! I hope you are now in the swing of things! How’s the writing going? How many of you have written two books so far? Ready to handle No. 3? And for those of you still writing Book #1 – do not fret! I’m PROUD of you for continuing to write! Don’t give up! Remember, we must conquer procrastination! 🙂 Please post your progress for Day 3 in today’s comments! MY DAY TWO EXPERIENCE: The day began quite… Read more NAPIBOWRIWEE 2015 – DAY THREE: Timely Trends & Topics

NAPIBOWRIWEE 2015 – DAY TWO: The Editorial Eye

Welcome to DAY TWO of my seventh annual National Picture Book Writing Week (“NAPIBOWRIWEE”) 2015! Did you survive the first day? What a way to kick off the weekend, huh? 🙂 Thanks for all your comments and for participating! My DAY ONE EXPERIENCE: Right now, I’m working full-time during the day as a TV writer/producer for the show DEFIANCE on SyFy. Our third season debuts this Friday June 12, 2015! We also had a post-work dinner event to attend, so I did not get a chance to write until I got home… Read more NAPIBOWRIWEE 2015 – DAY TWO: The Editorial Eye

NAPIBOWRIWEE 2015 – DAY ONE: Get Ready, Get Set, GO!

Welcome to DAY ONE of our seventh annual National Picture Book Writing Week (AKA “NAPIBOWRIWEE”) 2015! I’ll be posting daily blogs every day at 6 AM PST (9 AM EST) here: For those of you who are newbies, you can find out more about this annual event at our FAQs link here: NAPIBOWRIWEE 2015 FAQs For those of you who are NAPIBOWRIWEE veterans, welcome back! 🙂 A quick reminder – to participate in this year’s event, please sign up for my blog (how-to-register info in the FAQs link listed above). Please post… Read more NAPIBOWRIWEE 2015 – DAY ONE: Get Ready, Get Set, GO!


Latest NAPIBOWRIWEE UPDATE: Friday is just around the corner… and so is May 1st! And you know what that means… NAPIBOWRIWEE! This year’s theme for my 7th annual National Picture Book Writing Week is EDITORIAL NUTS & BOLTS featuring our week-long guest-in-residence editor & author Amy Cherrix​ of Slushpile Press. To find out more about Amy, please visit her website here: My FAQs about this annual writing event are here: Blogs will be posted daily May 1-7 at 6 AM PST/9 AM EST at Contest winners will be… Read more 2015 NAPIBOWRIWEE TEASER UPDATE!

May 1-7, 2015: Regular Blog On Hiatus – Please Visit Me at the NAPIBOWRIWEE Blog May 1-7, 2015

Hi! Every year from May 1-7, I host a fun event called National Picture Book Writing Week, affectionately nicknamed “NAPIBOWRIWEE.” So from May 1st to May 7th, 2015, please visit my “other” blog at this link: You can find out more about this year’s “NAPIBOWRIWEE 2015” event with FAQs at this link: I’ll be back blogging at this regular blog ( after the May 1-7, 2015 event wraps up! Until then, Happy Writing! WRITE LIKE YOU MEAN IT! 🙂