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Archive of NapiBoWriWee posts moved from the PAULAYOO.COM website

NaPiBoWriWee 2012: Wrap-Up & Contest Winners Announced! May 8, 2012

HELLO?! WAKE UP! ARE YOU SLEEPING IN? I bet many of you are either a) sleeping in or b) very exhausted and cranky from staying up late on Day 7. LOL! 🙂 Congratulations to everyone who participated in my 4th annual NATIONAL PICTURE BOOK WRITING WEEK (AKA “NaPiBoWriWee”!) Many of you successfully achieved the event’s goal – to write 7 picture books in 7 days. The purpose of the event is to encourage everyone to FINISH first drafts of book ideas you’ve had bouncing around in your head but had been… Read more NaPiBoWriWee 2012: Wrap-Up & Contest Winners Announced! May 8, 2012

NaPiBoWriWee 2012: Day Seven – May 7, 2012

WELCOME TO DAY SEVEN! It’s our LAST DAY of NAPIBOWRIWEE! Since May 1st, 2012, we have been attempting to write 7 picture books in 7 days! This is the fourth annual National Picture Book Writing Week that I started back in 2009 to promote picture book writing and to encourage both newbie and veteran picture book writers to stop procrastinating and get at least 7 picture book drafts down on paper so we could have the rest of the year to revise them. I also wanted this event to encourage… Read more NaPiBoWriWee 2012: Day Seven – May 7, 2012

NaPiBoWriWee 2012: Day Six – May 6, 2012

Welcome to DAY SIX of NAPIBOWRIWEE! Can you believe it? Only two days left! In 48 hours, you will be the proud author of 7 first draft picture books written in 7 days, thanks to my fourth annual National Picture Book Writing Week goal! 🙂 I am so proud that y’all are still in it to win it! 🙂 For those of you who successfully finished five first drafts of picture books – congratulations! For those of you who are still working on Books 1, 2, 3, and/or 4, hang… Read more NaPiBoWriWee 2012: Day Six – May 6, 2012

NaPiBoWriWee 2012: Day Five – May 5, 2012

Welcome to Day Five of NAPIBOWRIWEE – National Picture Book Writing Week – as we now ask ourselves if we are NUTS for agreeing to try this ridiculous experiment of writing 7 picture books in 7 days. Always around Day Five, I start to bang my head against the wall and mutter to myself, “Paula, you and your nutty ideas! WHY did you start NaPiBoWriWee? I’m so SICK of writing picture books. I can’t do this anymore. I am burned out. Ooooooh I bet everyone hates me for torturing them… Read more NaPiBoWriWee 2012: Day Five – May 5, 2012

NaPiBoWriWee 2012: Day Four – May 4, 2012

Welcome to Day Four of NAPIBOWRIWEE! We are officially half way through my fourth annual National Picture Book Writing Week where we attempt to write 7 picture books in 7 days. I’m thrilled by everyone’s comments on their writing journeys this year. A lot of you have managed to keep up and write one book per day – congratulations! For those of you still struggling on Book 1 or 2 or 3, don’t worry! Just keep writing. You’re still a winner in my book even if you only get ONE… Read more NaPiBoWriWee 2012: Day Four – May 4, 2012

NaPiBoWriWee 2012: Day Three – May 3, 2012

Welcome to DAY THREE of NAPIBOWRIWEE 2012! (National Picture Book Writing Week where we attempt to write 7 picture books in 7 days)! I just replied to everyone’s comments on all the blogs for 2012 and also answered some questions, so please go back and check if you want! Very impressed and excited by everyone’s progress. Yippee! I carved out some time in the afternoon to write Book No. 2. I used a photo of my three cats sleeping (posted in yesterday’s blog) to inspire me. To my surprise, I… Read more NaPiBoWriWee 2012: Day Three – May 3, 2012

NaPiBoWriWee 2012: Day Two – May 2, 2012

Good morning! Welcome to DAY TWO of our marathon 7-picture books-in-7-days annual National Picture Book Writing Week! Thank you for all your comments on my blogs so far. I’ve been blown away by everyone’s hard work and enthusiasm for this event. Congrats to everyone for finishing their first book! I’m live blogging every morning with thoughts on my own writing journey plus writing advice from myself as well as my friends. I’m also posting new updates and breaking news about our prize drawing contest at the end of the week… Read more NaPiBoWriWee 2012: Day Two – May 2, 2012

NaPiBoWriWee 2012: Day One (May 1, 2012)

WELCOME TO DAY ONE OF NAPIBOWRIWEE 2012!   SPECIAL UPDATE: How does NAPIBOWRIWEE work? Simply post your comments on today’s blog here to let us know how you did! I’ll be posting a daily blog every morning by 8 AM PST with new information, updates, writing advice from myself and special guest authors, plus lots of personal encouragement for your writing journey this week! If you post a comment on my blog or email me at paula at paulayoo dot com, I will include your name in our fun prize… Read more NaPiBoWriWee 2012: Day One (May 1, 2012)

NaPiBoWriWee 2012: Author/Illustrator Q&A Links

Welcome to another Pre-NaPiBoWriWee 2012 blog! For information on our 4th annual National Picture Book Writing Week event, please read last week’s blog here that has all the rules and basic info: NaPiBoWriWee 2012 takes place this May 1-7, 2012. Please comment on my blogs or email me to have your name included in our prize contest drawing at the end of the event. Good luck writing 7 picture books in 7 days! This should be a fun event! This week’s blog is to inspire you with links of previous… Read more NaPiBoWriWee 2012: Author/Illustrator Q&A Links

NaPiBoWriWee 2012: Rules & Info for May 1-7, 2012 Event!

NOTE: NEW INFO ADDED ON THURSDAY APRIL 19, 2012. Hi. FYI some folks have asked about this, so just some quick reminders… 1. To comment on my blog, you must log in. To log in, use your same account name and password that you used on my blog last year. If you can’t remember your old account/email, WordPress has a built-in “lost password” feature: under the login box is the option “Lost your password?” If that link is pressed, users are prompted for their email address and a new password is sent… Read more NaPiBoWriWee 2012: Rules & Info for May 1-7, 2012 Event!