2014 NaPiBoWriWee Souvenir Store Now OPEN!
I’m excited to announce that our official 2014 National Picture Book Writing Week Souvenir Store is now open! So now you can get your new 2014 souvenirs to inspire you for the big event which takes place this May 1-7, 2014.
The link is here: http://www.cafepress.com/paulayoonapibowriweeclassic
Our store features T-shirts…
… coffee mugs, travel mugs, tote bags…
… and journals and beach bags!
Our new NAPIBOWRIWEE logo was designed by the awesome designer Sandy Tanaka.
Stay tuned for more blogs before our event starts May 1-7, 2014. For the latest updates and announcements, please follow me on Twitter @paulayoo. (For those of you not familiar with NAPIBOWRIWEE, here’s a blog from last year explaining what it’s about: https://paulayoo.com/napi/?p=651
Until the next NAPIBOWRIWEE blog, remember – Happy Writing! WRITE LIKE YOU MEAN IT! 🙂
Hurray! Thanks so much, Paula…I did it.:) My screen font was too large and I didn’t see the ‘register’ under the wordpress log in box.
I can feel the excitement already…this is going to be an awesome month…do we really have to wait till May? Notebook ready and pencils sharpened!
Welcome aboard! You are allowed to brainstorm and even outline your ideas. But no actual writing of the first drafts until May 1st! 🙂
Hi Paula,
It feels so good to be that time of the year again…picture book time. I get so inspired!!! I am listing my ideas, outlining my whole week, marking my calendar and stocking up on munchies.
It’s great to be back.
Can it really be six years?
I know! Time flies! I’ll have the latest 2014 FAQs posted in tomorrow’s blog at https://paulayoo.com/napi on Tues. April 1st, so check it out!