2018 NAPIBOWRIWEE DAY 4 – Meet Guest Author Carrie Clickard!

Did everyone survive Day 3? How many books have you finished so far? For those of you who finished three books in three days, congratulations! YOU ARE ON FIRE! For those of you still scrambling to catch up – KEEP GOING! DON’T GIVE UP! 🙂
For my Day 3, I received a surprise package in the mail from my publisher. It was the paperback edition of my 2014 children’s picture book biography, TWENTY-TWO CENTS: MUHAMMAD YUNUS AND THE VILLAGE BANK (illustrated by Jamel Akib, Lee & Low Books 2014).

So this got me thinking about biographies again. And then I remembered a recent concert I did where we played debuted a piece by an American woman composer who struggled against a lot of discrimination during her time. So I researched her and realized – this is a book, too! (PS. For those of you who are new to this event and have just “met” me, FYI, when I am not writing, I am a professional violinist who likes to play with orchestras and rock bands! https://paulayoo.com/music/)
I wrote a really rough draft. But to be honest and fair, I feel it reads more like an OUTLINE than a real full draft. So to be fair and fully transparent, I am counting this as a PARTIAL manuscript. Which means I did NOT finish Book No. 3. I have only written two full drafts and for Day 3, I did what is really a glorified outline. Hopefully I can catch up over the weekend.
See, I am human just like the rest of you! There have been NAPIBOWRIWEE events in the past ten years where I did NOT write all 7 picture books in 7 days. So I struggle just like everyone else! 🙂
But… silver lining… the past three picture books I have written and submitted to my book agent were all born out of NAPIBOWRIWEE events from the past, so I am hoping at least one more book from this year’s event will also see the light of day.
Once again, a solid day of writing for NAPIBOWRIWEE. And now… it is DAY FOUR. Uh oh… you know what that means…
… it means we are at the HALFWAY POINT. This is where what started off as a fun lark now turns into a tough road for most of us. We’ve been brainstorming and writing for three days in a row. And now, on Day 4, we realize…
… we still have four more days to go. Four more books! Can we handle this?
YES! You can! Day Four is always the Make or Break Point for a lot of NAPIBOWRIWEE writers. I would say historically Day Four is one of the hardest days to survive. This is the breaking point where many folks burn out. Don’t burn out! Hang in there! YOU WILL MAKE IT THROUGH THIS DAY!
And to keep you inspired for Day 4, here’s a Greatest Hits Flashback blog post from acclaimed veteran picture book author KELLY DIPUCCHIO. She has been a guest multiple times over our past ten years of doing this event! Here’s some words of wisdom she gave on May 3, 2012 about how to create a memorable and unique CHARACTER…

Crafty Chloe by Kelly DiPucchio & illustrated by Heather Ross (Simon & Schuster 2012)
Kelly DiPucchio is the New York Times bestselling author of several books including Grace for President and Zombie In Love. As a little girl growing up in Michigan, Kelly spent a lot of time outdoors, combining her love of art and nature by painting rocks, seashells, and pinecones. Today, Kelly satisfies her crafting itch by repurposing old furniture and other resale shop treasures. Just don’t ask her to sew; Kelly used to affix her daughter’s Girl Scout patches to her vest with a hot glue gun. You can visit her at: www.kellydipucchio.com
Kelly was kind enough to write us a special guest blog about her experience in creating Chloe as a picture book character. We hope you are inspired by her writing advice to create a uniquely original character for your NAPIBOWRIWEE Book No. 3 today!
Kelly writes…
“When I came up with the idea for CRAFTY CHLOE I was really excited. I’ve been crafty kid at heart since childhood and I’ve been raising a crafty kid for the past 15 years. But I knew that in order for Chloe to be a successful character, she had to be so much more than crafty. A great hook is important, but it’s not enough to satisfy discriminating readers.
“When you think about your closest friends, you can probably think of several traits they possess that make you want to spend time with them. The same should be true for the characters you create in your picture books. But please don’t take that to mean that all of your character’s traits have to be positive. Nobody likes a goody two-shoes. When I sat down to analyze some of Chloe’s attributes, I came up with the following list: crafty, kind, uncoordinated, funny, melodramatic, determined, imaginative, humble, indecisive, independent, creative, forgiving, and just a little bit insecure. Keep in mind, these qualities are revealed through Chloe’s actions in the story. I will spare you the “show, don’t tell” speech. Also keep in mind; I did not make the list before I wrote the manuscript. I allowed Chloe’s personality grow organically out of the story. Two dimensional characters are boring, but characters that are overly contrived and unbelievable aren’t much fun to hang out with either.
“Diamonds sparkle for a reason – they’re multi-faceted. The angles and cuts in the stone reflect the light. If you want to create characters that really shine, make sure they’re multi-faceted, authentic, and worthy of your readers’ time.”
Thanks Kelly for your sparkling diamonds of writing wisdom! As you all write your Book 4 today, maybe thinking about Kelly’s suggestions on how to create a memorable and realistic character! For more on Kelly and her books, go to her website here: http://www.kellydipucchio.com/home.html
And now, back to the present with today’s Guest Author… Carrie Clickard!
BIO: Carrie L. Clickard is an internationally published author and poet. Having spent her life with either a book in hand or one in her head waiting to be written, she credits her writing success to the firm beliefs that dragons are real and baton twirling should be an Olympic sport. In addition to Florida Book Award Silver Medal winning DUMPLING DREAMS (Simon & Schuster), her children’s books include BIGGER IS BETTER (Simon & Schuster, forthcoming), MAGIC FOR SALE (Holiday House) and VICTRICIA MALICIA ( Flashlight Press). Her poetry and short stories have appeared in numerous anthologies and periodicals including Myriad Lands, Havok, Andromeda Spaceways, Enchanted Conversations, Muse, Highlights, High Five, Spider, Ladybug, Spellbound, and Underneath the Juniper Tree. For more information on Carrie or her books please visit www.clclickard.com.
— What inspired you to write or illustrate picture books?
I’m a born book omnivore and haunted the library at the end of my street from my earliest days. I fell into the wondrous illustrated world hiding on those bottom two bookshelves and never wanted to leave. Who could imagine anything better than spending time with Madeline, Thidwick the Good hearted Moose, Ferdinand the bull, Harry the Dirty Dog or Beatrix Potter’s charming creatures? So I suppose that’s what I’ve done with my writing. I’ve stayed as close as I could to what delighted my childhood imagination.
— Do you write or illustrate in any other genres of writing or art forms (acrylic, oil, watercolor etc.)? If so, what and why? Any preferences?
I also write middle grade fiction, speculative fiction for adults (science fiction, fantasy & horror), poetry for all ages and nonfiction for both kids and adults. Settling for just one genre would be nearly impossible for me. Whatever genre I’m writing, my heart naturally tends to the fantastical and seeks out chances to write with a flavor of surprise or even magic. In the opposite direction, I’m an incurable autodidact, so nonfiction satisfies my perpetual curiosity and lets me vicariously experience the lives of explorers, adventurers and scientists. Who says you can’t write it all? Or at least I can try to write it all. (grin)
— What do you like most about picture book writing/illustrating versus other genres?
I love that picture books are still hopeful and see the world through wonder-filled eyes. That feeling of simple joy and unbridled imagination is what I miss from my own childhood. So I’m indulging my inner child while I work for a living. Couldn’t ask for a better job.
— What is the most challenging part about writing/illustrating picture books?
As anyone who has talked to me can attest, I’m a wordy person. So the lower word counts in today’s picture books can be torture for me. That being said, it’s an exquisite torture. When I manage to get my pared down text to sing, I’m delighted. About a year ago I sold a piece to Ladybug magazine that told an entire fairytale story in four lines. Given my predilection for loquacity, I’m as proud of that poem as I am my longer books. (And I’m dying to see how they illustrate it. Hint, hint. Any Cricket Media editors listening?)
— Tell us about your first published book or first art assignment – what inspired the idea for the book or how did you figure out how to approach the art for the author’s text?
The first picture book I sold was Victricia Malicia, about a girl born into a long line of fierce female pirates. The problem is Victricia detests everything to do with seafaring life. The idea for my sassy young landlubber popped into my head after seeing a truly terrible production of the Pirates of Penzance. A friend quipped “If I was ANY of those pirates, I’d be so embarrassed I’d move to the desert.” And I thought, hmmmm, what if a pirate secretly wanted to live on dry land? What would their family think? Could they find a way to strike out on their own? A few weeks later I had a rough draft of Victricia.
— How long did it take to write (for artists – or illustrate & write)?
With revisions and polishing it took about two months to be submission ready – and another month to get up the courage to actually email it out.
— Do you have a favorite picture book or a picture book that most inspires you with its writing and/or art? If so, which one is it and why?
For its subversive humor and the balm it poured on my youngest child heart: The Second Princess by Tony Ross. For sheer rhyming delight and mastery: On Beyond Zebra by Dr. Seuss. And for charming silliness and adorable art: A Porcupine Named Fluffy by Helen Lester. Oh to have written any one of the three!
— Where is the best place for you to write your books or to do your illustrations? (If you are an illustrator, are you hi-tech or low-tech? Do you use those fancy computer programs or do you sketch/draw by hand on paper/non-computer materials?)
Prose I seem to write everywhere: coffee shops, forest trails, the aisle at the grocery store, curled up in bed. If I could figure out a way to write in the pool, I would But if I’m writing or revising rhyme, walking my four pound pooch is my definite preference. I think it’s the rhythm of my footsteps matched to the beat of the words. Granted I have to write it in my head first and the neighbors think I’m a bit mad, muttering and pacing past their windows, but then I get home and scribble madly. Somehow it just works.
— If you weren’t a writer/artist, what would you be?
A puppeteer or an undersea explorer, or maybe an undersea explorer who uses puppets to communicate with whales. Now there’s my dream job.
— Tell us something about yourself that most people don’t know.
I don’t watch TV anymore. Yes, I know that makes me some sort of freak of nature. I just prefer reading or writing or rpg’ing or sketching or cooking or …. well, just about anything is better than TV. Thanks to family and friends I hear a lot about current shows and I’ve even binge-watched a few series like Jordskott and Stranger Things. Still, if you come for a visit, bring your netflix or be prepared to live TV free.
— If you could give one piece of writing or illustrating advice for our NaPiBoWriWee participants, what would it be?
Write constantly, persistently, as if writing were as necessary as food. It is. Don’t compare your success to someone else’s – you’ll only end up envious or smug – both are poison to creativity. When asking for a critique never ask “Do you think this piece is good enough to submit to an editor?” Ask instead “Is there any way I can make this better?”
— There’s been a growing demand for more diversity in children’s book publishing for women and people of color either as book subjects/stories/characters or for diverse writers/illustrators. What are your thoughts on that, if any?
Every voice deserves to be heard. The more voices that are included in the literary world, the richer life will be for everyone. If we can learn to make space and listen better, I believe we’ll discover a whole choir of missing voices. Can’t wait to hear the stories they tell.
— There’s been increasing pressure for writers and artists to be active on social media. Are you on social media? If so, where can your readers reach you? Has social media helped your writing/art journey and career? Any advice for writers or artists who might feel overwhelmed by the social media “burden”?
I’m on Facebook and Twitter, as well as maintaining my own website — though I’m not as consistent at posting news as I should be. I love the camaraderie of the writer and illustrator community on social media, and some of the resources they share are terrific. But if I’m honest I’d say social media is more of a distraction or a solace than a productive tool for my writing life. Plus, I know too many writers that have been broken by the dark side of social media, gossip, flaming, trolls, – BLERGH. My advice is, if social media connections make you happy and inspire your writing, stick with it. If not, get away now and go do what your heart craves: CREATE.
Thank you Carrie for taking time to talk with us about your writing career and how you approach the craft and art of writing. And like you say … we should do what our heart craves… CREATE!
So let’s get going, everyone! Create away! Good luck and please comment below on your Day 4 experience. Remember, if you post a comment, you are automatically included in our contest where a lucky winner will receive an autographed copy of Carrie’s book! (And of course other winners, too, with prizes from ALL our guest authors and me and from our store!)
I can’t get over how much I am loving NaPiBoWriWee. I have already written my Day 4 draft this morning. It’s the first one of the week that feels like I might turn it into something passable. VICTORY!
Good luck to everyone on day 4 and beyond! Happy Writing!
Awww thanks Katie! Glad you are having fun and so exciting you have at least one draft that will turn into a huge book for you!!! 🙂
How nice to share the day with someone as talented and just plain nice as Kelly? Glad to be here for this year’s Napibowriwee!
Day 3 was not successful for me. Here’s hoping for a better Day 4! And Carrie, thanks for an inspiring post. I chuckled at your inspiration for your female pirate book. Now I must go find a copy of it!!!!!
Thanks, Debra. Victricia Malicia was a hoot to write. Hope you find it amusing too. 🙂
Debra my Day 3 was not good either. Let’s encourage each other on for the next few days! 🙂 Hang in there!
I did it! I wrote my Day 3 manuscript yesterday. I’d been thinking about this one for weeks and weeks and it poured out of my brain. Now, granted, it needs A LOT of work, but at least it is typed out. The revisions will come.
I am struggling with which manuscript to tackle today (I have a few ideas) so I will have to see which character demands attention more loudly than the others.
Thank you for your terrific post Carrie! I particularly loved this spin on a question I’ve asked many times: “Do you think this piece is good enough to submit to an editor?” Ask instead “Is there any way I can make this better?”
Write on all! We shall see what Day 4 brings!
Thanks, Lauren! And I just saw a writer’s meme that sounds like you letting the character choose which story to write for today. The meme said:. “Am I writing this story or is the story writing me?” I hear that!
Great post Carrie, particularly love “Write constantly, persistently, as if writing were as necessary as food.” Have surprised myself on Day 4 by getting a story completed in record time. It probably helped that I’d had the idea for this a while ago and it had been bubbling and brewing since then. Such a contrast to Day 3 when I struggled so much that I didn’t think I was going to make it. Then I stopped worrying about the ending so much, reminding myself that the next stage for the story is revision! This kind of freed my mind and boom … managed to get it done. (Phew!)
Thanks, Joan. If you saw my snack shelf you’d know how seriously I take that quote. (grin) My slump day was Wednesday —- could not kickstart the text for love nor money. Grrr.. We’ll see if I can make up for it tomorrow with a Double Day Saturday.
Day 3 was a challenge for me. Daily life just seemed to get in the way, sucking those ideas (and time) down the drain . . . I plan on writing two today to make up for it! Thanks for this wonderful posts . . . off to doing what my heart craves, CREATING.
Good luck on your double up day! Mine is tomorrow. Persistence and creativity wins the day! Grin.
OK – it’s day 4 and I have 2 drafts done. Not bad! Must double down to finish on time, but have not tapped into my PiBoIdMo list yet!
Love Carrie’s post. Lived on Rindge Ave for 10 years in Cambridge – just close enough to smell the food cooking at Joyce Chen’s when the wind blew east, so I loved getting to know Carrie a bit better. Were you once a Cambridgian too?
Thanks, Cathy. Sadly no, I was not lucky enough to be a fellow Cambridgian, and by the time I got to visit Joyce’s restaurants were closed. Sigh. But I was lucky enough to catch her TV show and her cookbook. And I have big plans for a visit for Joyce Chen dumpling festval day in September. Not quite the same but still fun!
Thanks, Carrie, for this fantastic interview. I especially love this advice: “When asking for a critique never ask “Do you think this piece is good enough to submit to an editor?” Ask instead “Is there any way I can make this better?””
Happy to be here among so many like minded writers, Gabi. I have that very quote taped to my crit group notebook as a constant reminder. 🙂
Hi Carrie! I studied MAGIC FOR SALE’s spooky rhyming text. You must have paced your socks off to create such detailed, unpredictable rhymes. I haven’t come close in my PB rhyming attempts.
My idea for book #3 came from being a NPR listener. A story dealing with global warming lead to me to ask – What if?
Hi Manju — You’re absolutely correct about my walking life while that book was being hatched. And didn’t my four pound poodle love every minute of it? Grin. I love hearing where ideas were born. NPR is a great salve to my personal curiosity. I do a lot of lurking in podcasts and blogs about history as well. I am a odd-fact addict.
I missed commenting yesterday. This is my first year doing NAPIBOWRIWEE and I’m leaning about myself, namely ((Although I already knew this) I have creative ADD. I have six manuscripts in progress and I’m bouncing back and forth between them, but none complete. I figure if I have to have seven by the end of the week, not 1 a day, I may still make it!
Waving hi to a fellow multi-idea-pursuer. I shudder to think how many open files / partial ideas I have running on any single day, but in the long run they almost all get finished. (Emphasis on almost) And many of them have ended up in print. So I figure, if it’s not broken …
Thanks for keeping us going on hump day, Carrie! Your honestly about social media rings true for me. I use it, but I’m not good at it and I should get offline to write draft 4 now (and a “real” ending for #3 if truth be told–mine bites right now)
Hey Wendy — today has been a real test of my twitter/blog/etc skills but I confess it’s been so much fun I don’t mind my struggles. Hope you nail that draft 4!
Congratulations, Paula, on the paperback edition! That is really exciting!
Thanks to Kelly for a reminder on how to create good characters!
And Carrie is my kind of writer: one who writes the full range of genres! Also, I like to use the word “autodidact” but don’t see it often so I’m high-fiving Carrie for using it. ?
Since I finished my draft early yesterday, I think I will have an opposite day and will finish today’s late.
High five back at you, Teresa! Nice to meet another autodidact and a multi-genre writer. Picking just one area to write in is like eating only one flavor of food. I want them ALL. (grin)
Great advice and a truly fun tale to read! I’m dying to read this four-line fairytale…?!
Thanks, Michele. I’m trying hard to be patient myself. You’ll probably hear me crow across the country when it finally hits print.
I’m only one draft behind, and thankfully, it’s swimming around in my head, just waiting for a turn to get put on paper.
Carrie I don’t watch much TV either! When someone starts a sentence with “did you see the last episode of…?” I always know the answer! My only exception is one “old” sitcom rerun before bed each evening. (Because you just can’t beat Friends and it’s ALWAYS on) Thanks for another great interview, Paula! Thanks Carrie for sharing your wisdom!
Hey Jennifer,
I catch an oldie but goodie every so often too (Fraser is a fav). Great minds… as the saying goes. It’s been such fun today connecting with all Paula’s fans. As for that next draft you’ve got swimming, as Dory would say … Just keep writing. Just keep writing. (couldn’t resist -grin).
Day 4, Draft 4 – Complete!
Your pirate book sounds hysterical. Can’t wait to read it!
Thanks! Humor is such a personal taste, I’ll keep my fingers crossed. If you like Muppet Treasure Island, I’m pretty safe. (wink)
An undersea explorer who uses puppets to communicate with whales? Could be also a good picture book idea…I gave up watching TV many years ago. There are so many books that I’d rather read. In fact, one on animal communication gave me an idea for today’s draft…I look forward to reading your books and your four line fairy tale.
Don’t think I didn’t note that whale puppeteer down on my looooonnggg future idea list. Grin. And I totally agree, too many books not enough time. Thanks!
Great post, Carrie. I’m not happy with the draft I finished today. I’ll put it aside for awhile and come back to it.
Thanks, Gregory! I keep a drawer filled with ugly first draft print outs. I have great fun going back and comparing them to the finished final draft. Its like comparing junior hi yearbook pics to a wedding photo … and it gives me reassurance to know those ms will “grow out of it”
Carrie, I loved the line about making your manuscript sing! I have been able to finish 3 drafts (though rough) but continue to be challenged and inspired by this week. I’m with you that the word counts in today’s picture books are a challenge. As someone who is a teacher and teacher educator, I don’t believe this trend is good for kids or their parents. Can’t wait to read more about you.
Sorry Jane technical fail on my part my reply is below like its a separate comment. Face / palm.
Thanks, Jane I so agree about the word counts. Several of my favorite classic childhood books wouldn’t make the cut today because of length. Sigh. I’m hoping the trend will reverse in the not too distant future.
Kelly: I LOVE your advice to let the character’s “personality grow organically out of the story.” PRICELESS!!! And I SOOOO LOVE your “Zombie in Love”!!!!
Carrie—or should I say: Fellow Whale Puppeteer? I LOVE THIS! Now I want to be one too!!!!: I am writing down your writing advice and sticking it by my computer to inspire me every day! “Write constantly, persistently, as if writing were as necessary as food. It is.” BRILLIANT!!!! I think from now on, whenever I am eating I will think of the need to FEED my writer belly, too!!! THANK YOU!!!
My progress: So yesterday I mentioned that I hadn’t written during my regular early morning hours, and was worried if I could break out of that box in order to write my THIRD story. Guess what? I DID! I wrote through dinner time (so really, in this case, I did take Carrie’s advice to heart–before I even heard it!), and ended up eating around 11 p.m. after finishing my story around 10 p.m. IT FELT SO AMAZING to BREAK out of that comfort zone box and prove to myself that I CAN WRITE WHENEVER!!! YEA!!!! Again, the writing didn’t happen this morning, so I am hoping for day two of night writing to work well. GOOD LUCK TO ALL OF US AT THE HALF-WAY MARK!!! And THANK YOU, Paula, for your honesty about your experience, too. TRULY INSPIRING!!!!
Thank YOU Natalie for the bubbling enthusiasm in your post. I needed an energizer tonight and your comments are exactly what the doctor ordered. I would be delighted to welcome you into the Grand Order of Whale Puppeteers (as soon as I figure out a cool logo… wink) Now I’m off to follow your example from yesterday and write today’s draft before I get sidetracked by that bag of BBQ chips. Happy writing!
Oh wow Natalie I love this comment. I love that you were able to break through this boundary and turn into a Late Nite Owl writer! Wow! Love this! xo P.
Just like you said, day four proved to be the hardest one so far for me, but after hours struggling with two different ideas I finally finished it. It’s as bad as a first draft is supposed to be, but it’s a story. Yay! Thanks for the pep talk, Paula!
Carrie, thank you for sharing your experience and that dream job of yours, undersea explorer that uses puppets to talk to whales, sounds like a PB in the making. 😉
It’s the unexpected idea that catches you sometimes, isn’t it? Just when you think one story should be first, another story demands to be written. I’ve been working on a NF idea all day, but I keep hearing puppeteer whale calls in the back of my brain. Time to let my inner Dory come out and polish her Orca skills . 🙂
Day 4 was definitely the hardest yet for me, so it’s a relief to hear that’s normal.
Carrie, thanks for sharing your process! I can’t wait to check out your pirate book and four line fairy tale. 🙂
Happy to be here in such good company, Lisa. Struggling, stumbling and succeeding together — makes it so much more interesting and inspiring. Thanks!.
I just adored reading Kelly’s and Carrie’s words, and I continue to feel so energized in this challenge! I’m going to really press myself tomorrow to hash out a well-developed character, prior to actually scribbling down my draft. I know there’s always room to polish that stuff in revisions, but it could be fun to interview my MC before I draft, so that the plot takes on more of a custom direction. And Carrie, I loved your comparison of writing to the necessity of food. I often feel that way too, and I similarly watch SOOO much less TV than I used to. My husband and I have writing dates each night. He reads, I write. It feels great!
Writing dates? I love that idea. I may have to steal it. And I too am a big fan of Kelly’s advice and her many books. Win-win for me today!
Writing Dates! I love it! 🙂 How romantic! 🙂
Carrie, I so appreciate your recommendation re: critique, “Is there any way I can make this better?”
So much of what you shared about yourself resonates with me. I have so many creative ideas scribbled on napkins, jotted on receipts, etc. that I created a huge 3 ring binder, my Big Book of Everything where I store all of my ideas until I can get to them. There is never enough time in a day to explore all that I want to do/try. Certainly no time for T.V.
Thanks for sharing your journey with us!
So happy to meet like minded writers here at NaPiBoWriWee. Now I want a “Big Book of Everything”, too! I think I’ll raid the scraps of my failed scrapbooking projects and start one. Well, after NaPiBoWriWee is over. Glad you liked the critique suggestion — it has made ALL the difference in the input I get on my manuscripts.
It’s been a fun and occasionally frenzied day today, here at NaPiBoWriWee. Thanks Paula for having me and providing such a warm and friendly spot for us to gather. And thanks to everyone who commented — you’re all an inspiration! I’ll pop in tomorrow to catch any late night comments.
Thanks so much for the encouragement, Paula and Carrie! I only wrote half of a picture book today, but I’m hoping to finish it tomorrow and try to catch up! Thanks for hosting this inspirational challenge, Paula!
Great encouragement here! And excellent advice about social media.
I’ve been able to create a draft from an idea I had a few weeks ago as well as some brand new ideas that just hit me this week! Thanks for hosting this!
Thanks so much, Carrie. Your advise and story will keep me at my writing desk. Four dowm! And Kelly’s diamond analogy really struck a cord, so thanks for sharing the old posts also.
5/5/18: Hi it’s Paula. Just wanted to say I caught up on the comments and am very moved by how hard you are all working and that you are also still having fun! YAY! And thanks again to Carrie for taking time out to respond to many comments here, too. YOU GUYS ROCK! xoxo P.
Another great interview! All of them have been inspiring. Got another pb idea started and feel so much more creative this week. Thank you for the impetus to write!
Day 4 and 5 didn’t happen for me (big wedding and out of town company kept me busy)…..I know there is no excuses, only priorities…..and family trumped writing this weekend, so I will just jump in where I left off.
I like that you enjoy writing in different genres! (And you actuall do it!). I love both fiction and NF, but still focus on picture books. AND I love writing long, too long. This creates a problem with the word counts of picture books being published today. The challenge! Thanks for sharing with us!
Enjoying NaPiBoWriWee 2018 very much. Wrote my third and best ms last night, one and two were very rough. Now to stay on track. Thanks ladies 🙂
Love this Carrie “as if writing were as necessary as food.”
Day 4. Boy, this year’s week is flying past me. I have to agree about watching (or rather, NOT watching TV) — I watch more movies on DVD or Blu-ray for the 20th time than current television. For a not so long ago period, my TV was broken before I finally bought a new one, and I realized how much more productive I could be without it.
Day 4 is another day of drought for me. Simply because my day-job socked me with a giant, all-consuming project. Hence my actual posting on Day 7!! Tee hee! There’s still time!